Diabetes is slowly emerging as one of the most prominent health challenges today, which could impact millions of people around the world. People suffering from diabetes always cut down on some ways to balance their sugar levels, and are very careful with the food they consume. In this regard, apple cider vinegar has become a widely discussed product mainly due to its unique properties in various aspects of human health, such as weight loss and better digestion. It is also reported in recent studies to help manage blood sugar levels appropriately.
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss is an all-natural form of an acidic solution that is prepared from apples and it comes with various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and small amounts of trace elements like potassium which is critical in maintaining tissue health and other soft tissues. It helps maintain the function of the vital organs and checks the formation of very alkaline urine, it is also an effective detoxifying agent. Cleaving the fatty deposits, mucus, and phlegm in the body and thinning the blood, calms high blood pressure and kills bacteria isolating nutrients from foods for digestion.
Drinking apple cider vinegar is also effective in body detoxification and prevents the formation of toxins that cause skin rash, acne, boils, and blisters. Drinking organic apple cider vinegar and water before meals especially when you are likely to take foods that have been kept for long will reduce chances of having stomach upsets or diarrhea. It is most effective in its natural liquid form and may be taken orally or used as an ingredient in food preparation.
It is said to assist in the treatment of many diseases and ailments, such as arthritis, asthma, high cholesterol, colds, constipation, indigestion, diabetes, headaches, sore throat, and obesity. Moreover, investigations that have been carried out in the last 25 years have revealed that best apple cider vinegar has the potential to affect glucose and insulin metabolism; therefore useful for diabetics but also for other people. Today, its natural nourishment and documented health enhancements make this product a favored approach to enhancing general health.
Revelation in Research
Recently published research from the National Biotechnology Center has shown that blood sugar levels can be regulated by apple cider vinegar. Scholars have also affirmed this evidence in the research. Individuals from the general population completed a survey in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Some of these people had type 2 diabetes and were pre-diabetic at baseline or had other chronic conditions.
What Has Been Done On These People-
Of these individuals, one group was prescribed two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water before meals, while another one took a control substance. Thereafter, the study revealed that subjects who took apple cider vinegar saw their blood sugar level drop Unlike those who took the placebo. The group that consumed vinegar also enjoyed an enhancement of insulin sensitivity meaning improved regulation of blood sugar
What Researchers Say?
The researchers believe that acetic acid which is contained in apple cider vinegar can contribute a lot to managing blood sugar. We also know that acetic acid has an enzymatic effect of slowing down the rate of carbohydrate digestion which is good news for diabetics because it means their blood sugar levels will not spike shortly after the meal. Scientists have called for further studies on the detailed working and possible advantages of apple cider vinegar in glucose regulation. Although there is proof that this food stabilizes the glucose level in the blood, some scholars have recommended that diabetic patients should not take it without consulting their physicians.
How to Consume ACV?
- 1-2 tbsp before bed or diluted literally in a glass of water in the mornings.
- 1 - 2 tablespoons with organic honey or maple syrup (as non-refined sugar).
- 2 tbsp with fresh lemon juice (optional because lemon juice adds further flavor and vitamin C to this recipe).
- 1 tsp with grated fresh ginger (optional as this has an anti-inflammatory property)
- ¼ with a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, for its blood-regulating sugar effects.